Calico Rabbits


Calico Rabbits is located in the Shawnee/Bethel Acres area of Oklahoma. We have a few Mini Rex and some Mini Rex/Holland Lop crosses. We currently do not intend to continue breeding or selling rabbits. Our rabbits are either pets or retired breeders that for the most part we intend to keep.
We prefer to keep our rabbits in a colony setting so that they are socialized not only with people but with other rabbits. The does are allowed to run loose in a colony pen. Buck rabbits are kept in smaller cages and allowed a few hours every day in an outdoor exercise pen weather permitting. I find that this prevents a lot of problems associated with being kept in small pens such as weight issues, sore feet, and lack of mental stimulation. This is not the ideal situation for everyone and letting rabbits live in a colony has it's own issues so please do your research before deciding how you wish to raise your own rabbits.
Calico Rabbits is maintaining this site for those who are interested in learning more about our rabbits. If you have any questions or would just like to share a comment or story please use our Contact page.