Calico Rabbits


The rabbits enjoying a snack of oatmeal. In front left to right: Charisma, Rain, Hightower, and Firecracker. Smudge is in back by their fallen tree fort.

These are all Mini Rex/Holland Lop mixes first generation. The partially hidden one is a buck named Dust Mite, he was around 2.5 lbs grown. The magpie (grey/white) one is Smudge and the harlequin (black/orange) one is Lola.

Quirk is a 2015 Mini Rex buck. He is a castor VM. VM stands for Vienna Marked. The vienna gene is the gene for blue eyes in colors that are not normally blue eyed. It presents as blue eyes, partial blue eyes, or dutch like markings (white markings in fur) in non-dutch rabbits.

The rabbits enjoying a snack of oatmeal. In front left to right: Charisma, Rain, Hightower, and Firecracker. Smudge is in back by their fallen tree fort.
This slideshow contains pictures related to Calico Rabbits. Some of the rabbits in these photos have moved on but aren't forgotten. Other rabbits shown are the present or future of Calico Rabbits. Pictures are just different photos of our beloved bunnies or their surroundings.